
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Just Keep On Keepin' On

Not a lot has been happening around here other than surviving winter. Chimi and I keep trucking along hoping to get some ride time in but most of the time not because of crazy weather. But on those few nice days we set out and enjoy getting ourselves back in action, however slowly it seems to be.


My small arena is starting to get dull and boring and sadly the trails are still closed from the snow storm we had in December. There were so many down trees that the majority of the trails are/were impassable. The trail committee is supposed to of been working on them but the weather has been such shit that I'm not sure how much they've been able to do.

WEEEE!!!! Trot around at full speed!!!

But despite all that each ride is getting better and better. Chimi feels awesome and other than fitness he's ready to go. The past couple of rides I've actually been able to work on keeping Chimi together and not let him flail about at whatever pace he feels like. He's not a fan because it means work but at least we're accomplishing something other than surviving!

I guess I'll pose for another frickin' picture...

So I guess for the foreseeable future we'll be doing boring shit until we have enough rides under our belt where we can get back to the fun stuff!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Blogger Gift Exchange

Ah! I’m so embarrassed that it’s taken me forever to write this post but it’s been a whirlwind of family staying forever and then husband having to move to Charleston for a week and a half to help his step dad while he has surgery. So as probably the last one to post about the gift exchange here is mine! (Also if you just want to see the gift and not read about how I got the package scroll to the bottom because there's a short story about how I finally opened my gift!)

My Secret Santa this year was Amanda from The $900 Facebook Pony.  Her gift arrived before Christmas and I was pretty darn excited to see what was inside because this was my first year participating in the blogger exchange. My husband knew how much I was looking forward to open the present and decided to play a practical joke on me. I had come into the house all ready to open my gift and then thought "I should pee first so I don't rush through the opening process and can enjoy it more". Leaving the package unattended on the kitchen counter I skipped off to the bathroom and then ran back just a few minutes later to find....nothing. My package had disappeared and my husband looking all nonchalant. "You asshole! What did you do with my package?!?!?" to which husband calmly replied (with a wicked grin) "It's a Christmas gift so you have to wait until Christmas to open it" After cursing him and telling him blogger gifts don't have to wait I stormed out (all in jest, heck this whole thing was just a game to us, so please read this as humorously as possible, I knew I'd eventually get the package that night) and drove off. In actuality I had to go anyways to take care of a friends horse so the timing worked out perfectly for a fake angry drive off.

When I got to the barn to take care of friend's horse I got a text message from Husband.

Please excuse his typing errors, I promise he's quite intelligent but sometimes texting eludes him...

Curses to bad elf husband!!!! But it didn't end there! After finishing up taking care of friend's horse I hear my phone chirp with an email and see an email from Husband to Amanda regarding blogger gifts!!!!! He had contacted her through the blog and she so graciously replied shortly after.  They had had an entire conversation before I got copied into the email about how blogger gifts are exempted and her SO knew better than to steal packages from her b/c she knows where he sleeps and all women know how to hide the bodies... just saying ;) HA! As soon as I got home he tried to convince me to wait one last time but he gave up the goods and I had my blogger gift back into my hands!!!!!!!!! 

Wrapped in awesome unicorn paper with two little holes curtesy of Grem was one of the best gifts ever. Inside I found a pair of adorable socks, a Riding Warehouse gift card and a personalized long sleeve shirt with Chimi's name on it!!!

And not only was Chimi's show name on the arm but on the front had the cutest graphic of a burrito with wings and Flying Burrito written around the happy burrito!!

The Flying Burrito has his own logo now!

Honestly could this be any more perfect??? Amanda I have no idea where you found or created the logo but I absolutely love it!!!!!! I am pretty stoked about competing again just so I can wear this shirt at the show and on cross country and I know everyone who knows Chimi will get a good chuckle when they see this shirt this show season. 

As for the socks and gift card... already have washed and worn the socks a couple times b/c they're so me (seriously Amanda, I've never met you in person and I know my blog is kinda all over the place but you are the best gift picker ever) and the gift card has been spent! 

Thank you Tracy for organizing the gift exchange and I'm so glad I got a chance to participate this year! I've had so much fun reading through everyone's posts and seeing what they got for Secret Santa and I enjoyed trying to come up with a fun idea for my gift recipient L. Williams over at Viva Carlos.