
Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Grey Ghost goes XC

The other weekend I took a green grey mare out cross country schooling. Only had plans to do little baby things and play in the water but that soon changed!!! After an exciting "walk" around the field (where we had many lovely airs above the ground!!! Levade anyone?) we headed towards the baby jumps. There was a nice inviting water that we started playing around in to get started and as soon as Marley (the horse I was riding) realizes we were there to work she settled down and had the softest trot. She was still very forward in the canter but at least we were going in a straight, forward line instead of up and sideways!!!! When it came time to start jumping the logs she didn't bat an eye, even over the scary black pipe she kept her cool and made it seem effortless. As the schooling went on we played around with banks, ditches, and water- for Marley it was all easy and the only thing she cared about was going forward!!! We has to work on control and still have a lot of steering issues to work on, but besides all that, Marley is a cross country machine!!! She was jumping baby coffins, jumping out of the water, actually dropping down banks instead of launching into space- overall one of the best horses I have ever ridden around a cross country course!!!! This little mare has future superstar written all over her!!!! Keep an ear our for the grey ghost (her nick name) because you might very well hear "Cool Marlene" over the speaker at an event and it will only be good things being announced!!!!