
Friday, January 3, 2020

Blogger Comments

I'm at a loss. I'm struggling to comment on people's posts and even reply to ones on my own blog and I can't! WHAT THE HELL??!?!?!?!!?!?!!

So far I have:

Emailed Emma and asked her advice about using name URL (that doesn't seem to work sadly, or I've written the same comment 20 times on someone's blog and for whatever reason it's not showing up on my computer)

Deleted my wordpress account associated with my email- this seems to of done nothing b/c every time I try to comment on someone with wordpress it asks me to log in but I can't because I DELETED IT. Grrrrrrrrr

Deleting my wordpress account had temporarily solved all the problems and I thought I could comment again but then suddenly I can't and now I can't even reply to comments on my own blog.

I've even tried to make my other gmail address a co writer for my blog thinking I can just use that account.... but every time I accept the invitation it sends me back to my main email account on blogger and doesn't add my 2nd address.

Any advice??? OR am I going to be a silent blogger until I can contact wordpress and have words? 


  1. I had an issue that a freelance wordpress account I had wanted to leave comments on wordpress blogs - I just use my alumni email address from grad school now to comment which is associated with literally nothing.

    1. Yeah thats what I've started doing for commenting on Wordpress blogs... but still frustrating that I delete the account and wordpress still thinks it exists but wont let me log in b.c ya know it's deleted....grrrrr....oh well! Thanks though!!!

  2. Also check on your browser's cookie policy. I had to set an exception for blogger to allow cookies from it, which is what controls your login. I found the solution googling.

    1. I'll look into this... I deleted cookies after I posted the blog but I didn't know about the exception thing....maybe that will help??

  3. I haven't hard wordpress issues yet, but for blogger, I found that switching to a different browser fixed the issues (at least for now).

    1. This seems to be working!!! I'm using my 2nd account but I bet it'll work with my main one? Will go test that out :) Thanks!

  4. I have the hardest time commenting on blogger stuff--mostly because work email is now gmail but not associated with blogger so I need to make sure I'm signed in with my regular email as the primary gmail before I log into my work email. I could use different browsers but I forget and sometimes I log in to other browsers for work and it's a mess... I have the hardest time commenting on my ipad and rarely ever log on via my home laptop any more...

    1. OMG YES!!! Everything you've said is my problem too! Using a different browser and my other gmail account has been the only way I've been able to comment again and I'm not even sure if it's working properly....grrrr....Why did it all of a sudden become a problem? Boo Google and Wordpress making it difficult to communicate

  5. You're not alone! Wordpress hijacked me again just this morning. I think I need to make a WordPress account with a different email than my personal or blogger one.

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