
Monday, September 16, 2013

The story of Jello

In the equine world many trainers, riders, barns, etc, have a canine companion tagging along or napping in the barn aisle. I am no exception- my furry little friend is in the form of a 25lb (sometimes more when she finds extra nibbles!) Blue Heeler/Jack Russell cross named Jello. She has been my faithful companion for the past 4 years and I look forward to many more years with my little ball of cuteness! 

 I found Jello on Petfinder, back when I was lonely and dogless. Sure my parents had dogs that I could play with, but they weren't MY dogs. I wanted my own shadow that would follow me around and be my friend. Dogs have always been a part of my life and I was finally in a place where I could take care of one on my own. So enter Petfinder.com- I use to search through and envision my life with any one of these dogs but knew I couldn't take care of one properly. I had fallen in love with a particular dog named Jello, and after I had made the decision I was ready for my own dog, I thought if Jello is still there, I'll take it as a sign she should come home with me. Sure enough, there she was- still listed on the website. So I immediately sent a request and a few weeks later the energetic, wiggling, 7-9 month old, mangey dog came home with me! She had been adopted out a few times before I got her but was always returned b/c she was to energetic and had a form of demi-mange (non contagious) that was easily controlled if done properly. 

The one and only- Jello
So off I went to somewhere NC, and found a crazy dog that needed a home. Holly, Jello's foster mom, let me take Jello out for a walk so I could get to know her and decide if I wanted to bring her home. I had already made up my mind that Jello was coming home with me, but I accepted the offer and off Jello and I went. Jello was crazy. She was to busy looking at everything going on outside that I could barely get her to pay attention to me. She was a neurotic mess- and I knew that I was in love. We headed back inside and I told Holly I would adopt Jello. After filling out paperwork and all that jazz, Jello loaded into my car and we headed home. That was the beginning of my story with Jello, and I couldn't be happier with my wiggly Jello dog. 

A few days after I brought Jello home in 2009
Even with new puppy bliss, it still took some time for Jello and I to adjust to a life with each other. I quickly found out that she had serious separation anxiety, the blinds in my apartment took the brunt of that test run when I left her at home alone for the first time. No return on my pet deposit there... But as Jello became comfortable in her new life, her demi-mange went away, her energy was spent chasing squirrels at the barn, and we settled into each other lives.

Snuggly Jello

So here I am- 4 years later and still crazy in love with the Jello dog. She sleeps in weird places (search #jellosleeping) and positions, sheds like crazy, and follows me around where ever I go. I know that my little ball of cuteness is never to far away. She trots down to the barn in the morning and lays out in the sun while I'm feeding the ponies, she is always ready to go on car rides and even gets upset if you leave her at home! She'd rather wait for you in the car than wait for you at home. Every day I see her cute little face and I count my lucky stars that the best dog in the world calls me Mom.

look up #jellosleeping on Instagram and you will find various Jello napping spots!

This chair is just right- perfect for a Jello dog

Jello on a mission 

Don't leave home without Jello- she loves her car rides!