
Monday, January 12, 2015

Jumping the Christmas Tree

I started what I think will be a fun New Years Tradition this year- jumping my Christmas Tree! Now I know it's not the most original idea because I've known a few people that make them into brush jumps- but there is something about jumping your Christmas tree on the first day of the NEW year that says "Welcome New Year- Goodbye Old Year". With that thought in mind I had some help carrying my tree to my front pasture and the tree found a new home.

Marley inspecting the Christmas Tree

As Brad and I were carting the tree out to the pasture all four ponies were snorting and looking at us like "Whaaaaat are you doing???" They came snorting over and eyeballed the tree before trotting back to their hay piles because hay is so much better than the foreign object in their pasture. 

So when I had a chance to go out riding my friend Em and I saddled up Finn and Chimi and headed out for a fabulous New Years Ride. I showed her some of the trails near my house and we talked about "The Year of Doing" and all the thoughts we had for this year. When we returned to the house we had to finish off our celebratory ride with the Jumping of the Christmas Tree. 

Finn is not amused 

There were some squiggly lines to the tree as the horses questioned our sanity but all in all we made it over the jump! Of course videoing was made possible by the great invention the "iPhone"- and I posted it to Instagram that evening and hash tagged Horse Nation (#horsenation). Well a few minutes later I received a message that Horse Nation picked my video to be the 'Gram of the Day! And as the picture stayed up it received a right many likes!!!! I get excited when my instagram pictures hit 20+ likes and the video had over 400 from Horse Nation fans! Chimi's ego has gotten a bit big as a result, but he's cute so I just let him enjoy his 15 minutes of fame :) 

Here's the original video (not Instagram filtered and squared- though I like the square shape to the video) on youtube. Hope you guys enjoy and maybe partake in the Jumping of the Christmas Tree next year????


  1. Cool idea! Congrats on getting featured

    1. It's been a feature month! between Horse Nation and your blog!!! :D

  2. ooh i love it!!! (and just found your blog from SMTT and am enjoying get caught up). we used to do this at my old barn, and the horses definitely gave it the hairy eyeball. your guy did great tho!

    1. Thanks! He did give it the hairy eyeball at first but I didn't include that video hahaha ;)
