
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

And we've MOVED!!!!

A lot has been happening behind the scenes over here and my terrible blogging skills have left out a big detail that is pretty significant as far as riding goes... but as of the Sunday after Thanksgiving Chimi and the gang have moved!!!! To say that I'm excited is an understatement. I was dreading another winter in my old barn, especially if it was going to be a wet one. I've written about the woes of my barn in the past and the major stall flooding that goes on during a big rain and so far this fall/winter we've has a lot of rain...and now snow, and more rain on the way... basically the move could of happened at a better time!

After 2 days of melting there's still so much snow!
We didn't move far, just 20 minutes from our old house and we only moved because a neighbor had approached us about buying our house b/c her daughter and son-in-law were looking to move to the area and neighbor wanted to be close to her grand children, aka our house! So after discussing the pros and cons with husband we packed our bags and off we went!!!

The horses approve of their new pasture

My list of needs were very small but important. Working lights in the barn, stalls that didn't flood, and more pasture. After that I could make due with anything. My guys are pretty easy to take care of and live out most of the time anyways so the barn is mainly a place for them to eat and shelter from shitty weather. This past week I have enjoyed my barn more than I could ever admit because we got more snow than we've ever gotten since I moved to the area. We easily got a foot of snow starting Saturday and through Sunday. Up into the mountains they got over 18" which is insane! I'm sure it's nothing for those in snowy areas but we get excited if the snow is over 3"...especially for December! (though side note- it takes to damn long for 18" of snow to melt! it'd be gone by now if we only had a nice dusting and I'm over snow if it's been on the ground longer than 3 days!)

You have no idea how much of a luxury it is to be able to be at the barn at night  with lights!!!!!  Also my farrier can come in any type of weather or at any time b/c he'll be covered AND will have lights to see by!!!!!!
Anyways enough about weather! Here are a few pictures of the new barn (well barns! There are actually 2 small barns- hopefully will rent out the 2nd barn for self care so trying to not use it as storage...or will use it to feed when they move to the back pasture b/c it's just a simple shed row, no tack room but you can use one of the stalls as a feed/tack room and be quite happy)

Oh and there's a RING. I haven't had a ring in 6 years!!!!!! It's not very big, just a little bit longer than a small dressage ring and 10 meters wider? Honestly I suck at measuring but it's big enough to ride in but not big enough to do a whole course in. I'll still be trailering out for lessons.
And it has a cute little tack room!!! My Dressage bridle was the first piece of tack that got to enjoy it's own private space. 

Overall I'm pretty excited about the move. There are some things that are better about the new place and there are other things that were better at the old place. Trailer parking is really difficult here and I'm going to have to learn how to back up while turning and not run off a very steep hill. Also in some ways I have less storage here. I'm really going to have to keep myself organized b/c I don't have  the same storage space. I do have an inclosed tack room so hopefully can keep my tack from molding in 3 days during the summer. Feeding the horses is going to take a bit longer b/c I can't just open the pasture gate and let them walk into the barn. They actually have to wear a halter to go out to the field b/c it's a longish walk to the different pasture gates (nothing bad, just not right next to the barn) Poop management is a bit more difficult too... still working on how I want to deal with that. But overall the pros out weigh the cons and I'm pretty excited to be here!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! And don't be to jealous b/c I've been shoveling so much poop this past week that I swore I was going to sell everything and board Chimi somewhere! ;) There are definitely trade offs for boarding vs having them in your backyard!

  2. I tried commenting yesterday, but I think maybe something went wrong. Your new home is lovely. I love the red and white barn. What a dream barn!! yay for lights and an arena to ride in. If you have a secret against the summer mold, please share. This past summer I couldn't keep it off my leather good. Ick.

    1. Uggg....Mold. No secret except a humidifier if you have a closed in space! Effax apparently has a mold inhibitor tack cleaner. Oh and moving all unused tack into your house ;) I definitely hid unused tack in the guest room closet! hahaha!!

    2. a DEhumidifier!!! whoops!! Definitely don't need to ad more moisture into the air in SC! hahaha!!

  3. SO ADORABLE! love it! Wow I was like how long has she been not blogging :) That is a quick move. That ring I am so jealous of. And the barn is cute! and and and.....omg so excited for you!!

    You will figure out the best way to do everything. My guys can go out and in as they want but i almost wish i had to walk them out so that the mudpit in my paddock wasnt happening!! so there are bad and good things about everything....

    Enjoy!! and please share moldy precautions as well :)

    The coop i boarded at had the tightest turnaround and a hill I remember being so relieved when I moved elsewhere. Here we don't have a lot of turnaround BUT we dont have hills here either. :)

    Welcome back!

    1. OMG the mud is horrible here too!!! The area by my pasture gate is a joke and if it ever dries up I plan on putting as much gravel/screenings/whatever as I can to help reduce the mud!! It's so damn disgusting!!

      As far as mold goes my mom has had a lot of luck with a dehumidifier in her tack room. She has a closed in space so she could do that and be successful. My old barn had an "area" that was the tack room and if I had a dehumidifier it probably would of broken in a week b/c it'd be trying to dehumidify the entire state of SC!

  4. The new barn is super cute -- and a ring!! How exciting :D

    1. I'm so excited about the ring!!!! Gives me hope I might be able to ride this winter...well much rain!!!

  5. ooooooh it looks so good!!! what an awesome feeling to be so much happier in the new space too - congrats!

    1. The first night I was down at the barn in the dark I had the biggest feeling of relief b/c I could SEE!!!! It was a great moment hahahaha

  6. I can't wait to visit! It looks soooo nice!

    1. Same here!!!! Already have a HT party planned for FENCE so you must come!!!!
