
Monday, February 4, 2019

Chimi's Photoshoot

His face gets me every time... I smile just looking at it!!!!

Back in September I had a few houseguests for WEG. I loved having them here for the weekend and lots of hilarity and wine was enjoyed! One of the guests was Britt over at Red on the Right and she of course had her camera handy for some epic photos of WEGness and Chiminess!!!

He's really good at staring off in the distance

With rain/a hurricane in the forecast we were lucky to sneak the photo shoot in the first day before we were tired from the endless walking around TIEC and eventual Hurricane Florence that basically canceled WEG for a day and made us all cry over the not to be rescheduled Freestyle.

just excuse Chimi's hay belly...he definitely enjoyed his 6 month vacation

Poor Chimi was quite feral looking when Britt arrived b/c he'd basically been sitting in a field all summer waiting for the hoof crack to grow out. His mane was long, he hadn't had a bath in ages, he was FAT, but luckily his winter coat was starting to come in and he was in that perfect moment where all his dapples were at their peak before disappearing into a full on black coat for winter. Right before the photoshoot we quickly pulled his mane, washed his sock, brushed his tail, and rinsed off any trace of mud on his body.

I mean seriously- those DAPPLES!!!!! This picture is my computer's wallpaper

After doing the quick cleanup of Feral Beast we headed out to various spots around the property where Chimi showed off his best poses. Overall he was a pretty good model and kept his ears forward the majority of the time. We got so many amazing shots of Chimi that I can't really decide which one is my favorite. I was so appreciative of Britt for taking her time to not only capture amazing photographs of Chimi but help me pull his mane!

Nothing here...just posing because I'm so handsome...

 If you ever want a quality photographer to take gorgeous photos of your pony I highly recommend Britt! This was the 2nd photoshoot I had with her and I love both sets she did. The first one was of my old guy Johnny who ended up passing away a few months after she took his pictures so they were even more special because they were the last quality photographs I had of him. Also if you enjoy just looking at gorgeous photographs on Instagram and Facebook give her a follow at Britt Gillis Design!(hopefully those 3 links will work and take you to her Facebook, Instagram, and website)



  1. Beautiful! I love the one you have as your computer wallpaper especially. Those dapples!

    1. For reals!!!! They're even more pronounced on on my computer wallpaper :)

  2. those pictures are lovely!

    1. Britt has major talent... I love all her pictures :)

  3. Those are such great pictures!

    1. I'm so glad the timing was perfect with weather, dapples, and WEG :)

  4. I love all Britt's photos but dang Chimi looks amazing!! I should bribe/pay Britt to come to Tennessee sometime i bet she can make Remus's dapples look AMAZING (He would also need deferalizing though LOL)!

    1. You do!! Remus will be the Dapple of everyone's eyes ;) hahaha! Oh and don't worry- Chimi is back to feral winter beast- I'm glad she came in September otherwise he'd look like a western pony with as much as his mane as grown since then ;)

  5. He is MAGNIFICENT. Seriously, awesome pictures!

    1. He says "Beans give me wings!" hehehe

  6. Stunning!! Britt does such a nice job, and Chimi is gorgeous <3
